CLIMADA features

Main characteristics

Major modules and features

UNSEQUA (uncertainty and sensitivity quantification module)

The UNSEQUA module allows to run global uncertainties and sensitivites analysis on the CLIMADA impact and adaptation option appraisal outputs using state-of-the art algorithms for quasi Monte-Carlo sampling and sensivity index calculation using the SALib package.
Kropf, C. M., et al. Geosci. Model Dev., 1–32, (2022).

Impact function calibration module

Calibrate impact functions for each impact assessment to truly have model truly in line with your data. Seamlessly connect the optained ensembles of tragedy or average ensembles to the unsequa module for uncertainty quantification. Riedel, L. et al. JOSS 9, 6755

Lines and polygon handler

The lines and polygons handler allows for the seamless disaggregation and aggregation of exposures and impact data to lines and polygons. Mühlhofer, E. et al, Environ. Res. Commun. 6, 015005

Open Street Map integration

Integrate seamlessly any element from open street map as an exposure layer into CLIMADA with the OSMflex package.
Mühlhofer, E. et al. Environ. Res. Commun. 6, 015005


The LitPop module allows to generate globally consistent physical assets exposure layer estimates based on population estimates, nightlight satellite imagery and GDP estimates.
Eberenz, S., et al.. Earth Syst. Sci. Data 12, 817–833

Various modules to support the creation of hazard datasets

Cascading critical infrastructure risks

The cascading infrastructure module allows the computation of the indirect impacts of extreme events to critical infrastructure service povision by modelling cascading failures
Mühlhofer E. et al., Reliability Engineering & System Safety 234, 109194

Multi-hazard risk and recovery

In a publication by Stalhandske Z. et al. (2024) code to integrate multi-hazard impact and recovery was developed and made available.
Stalhandske, Z. et al. Sci. Rep. 14, 5875