Welcome to CLIMADA

CLIMADA (CLIMate ADAptation)
is a free and open-source software framework for climate risk assessment and adaptation option appraisal. Designed by a large scientific community, it helps reasearchers, policymakers, and businesses analyse the impacts of natural hazards and explore adaptation strategies.

Why Use CLIMADA for Climate Risk Assessment?

  • Free & Open Source: CLIMADA is fully open-source and available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3. Whether you're a researcher in academia, a private sector consultant, or a government policy advisor, CLIMADA empowers you to integrate the software into your applications based on your specific needs.
  • User-Friendly: CLIMADA is written in Python and designed with both usability and flexibility in mind.
    The extensive documentation and tutorials, always up to date with the latest improvements, ensure that you can start using the software with ease, whether you're a seasoned professional or new to climate risk assessment.
  • Comprehensive Risk Assessment: CLIMADA integrates hazard, exposure, and vulnerability data to provide detailed insights into potential socioeconomic, human, and ecological impacts of climate-related events. The framework supports a wide range of input data and includes tailored solutions for integrating data from various sources such as OpenStreetMap, the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship, the Copernicus Climate Data Store, and many more.
  • Advanced Analysis and Output: CLIMADA includes advanced analysis tools at the forefront of science for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, impact propagation across supply chains and critical infrastructure, calibration of vulnerability functions, impact-based forecasting, and more.
  • Adaptation Strategies: Beyond risk assessment, CLIMADA offers tools to evaluate the effectiveness of various adaptation measures. You can simulate and compare strategies to identify the best solutions for reducing risk and enhancing resilience in your community or organization.
  • Collaborative Community: CLIMADA has a growing community of users and contributors. You can share your insights, receive support for your applications, develop new modules, or collaborate on projects to advance the understanding of climate risk and adaptation worldwide.

Learning CLIMADA

To get started with CLIMADA, explore the community-maintained documentation, which is constantly updated. With basic Python knowledge, you can easily install CLIMADA by following the installation guide and working through the tutorials.

Additionally, introductory videos are available to help you understand CLIMADA: watch a very short (5 min), short (6 min), or longer (12 min) overview, or learn about the Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA) in an 18-minute introduction.

If you have any technical questions about the framework, please open an issue on our GitHub page. For coding-related queries, feel free to ask on Stack Overflow. We hope the resources provided will answer your questions and help you effectively use CLIMADA.

Further Resources:

How to Stay Informed or Participate?

CLIMADA Software and Data Availability

CLIMADA is developed, maintained, and available as open-source software in Python 3. It is freely accessible under GNU GPL3 on GitHub. Data is freely available under CC BY 4.0 via the CLIMADA data API.